速報APP / 娛樂 / Numerology - Your Personality from your

Numerology - Your Personality from your



檔案大小:38.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 英語, 西班牙文, 北方薩米文

Numerology - Your Personality from your birthday  - حلل شخصي(圖1)-速報App

In this Application you can learn what your Birthday number in your Numerology chart says about you :

- Know Your Life Path Number

- Know Your Power Number

Doing this personality test may help you understand what makes you what you are and why you react to things the way you do. It will also help you understand why others perceive you the way they do. Why do you react to certain things with so much passion and some other things leave you cold?

According to Numerology, we are all governed by numbers. These numbers are controlled by specific planets, which influence us, give us our characteristics and also mould our personality to a great extent. There is a definite connection between time of our birth and the position of the Planets in the sky, at that time. This is what numerology is based on.

All you have to do is enter the month, day and year of your birth and click on 'Search'. You will be instantly rewarded with the secrets of your personality.

حلل شخصيتك وشخصية من حولك من تاريخ الولادة .

هذا الاختبار حقيقي عند علماء علم النفس وتحليل الشخصية ليست مجرد لعبة للتسليه اكتشف من انت ومع من تتعامل من تاريخ الولادة .

أدخل يوم شهر والسنة وإضغط على البحث لتظهر لك النتيجة .

支援平台:iPhone, iPad